Development Programs
Lifelong learning is now much more important than ever, because employees are required to have so many diversified competencies in the business world. In Yıldız Holding, we offer many opportunities for our employees in order for them to enhance their skills in every area, especially in digitalization.
The terms, white-collar and blue-collar carry a stereotype based on historical perspective, however the business world is reimagining these concepts, now and builds up a new system where employees at all levels are expected to have a digital collar, instead. As an organization that has realized the significance of digitalization at a very early stage and has steered its investments accordingly, we aim self-development of our employees based on the lifelong learning approach, and we organize programs focused on “reskilling” and “upskilling”.
Analytics Academy
Applications based on data analytics and artificial intelligence fundamentally transform the business world. In this regard, we take important steps to support the adaptation of our colleagues to state-of-the-art technologies. The Analytics Academy has been brought into being within this context and has a wide variety of participants ranging from leaders to young talents.
Analytics Academy program consists of four different parts:
- Digital Transformers: This is a development and mentoring program for our leaders executed in collaboration with Harvard University in order to help them effectively manage their business activities in the digital world.
- Digital Champions: A digital leadership program organized in collaboration with MCT for our senior-level executives in order for them to more effectively use digitalization and data analytics in business processes.
- Data Navigators: This program was designed in collaboration with Koç University to train “navigators” who will act as a bridge between employees specialized in data science and the managers with data literacy. Following the internal announcement we make in Yıldız Holding, we evaluate our colleagues, who have applied for this position on a voluntary basis, and eligible applicants are included in the program.
- Data JOB: This program is created by Analytics Academy for young talents who are currently not working for Yıldız Holding. In this context, we not only offer development and employment opportunities for young candidates, who want to work in data science, and support their development in this area, but also contribute to Yıldız Holding’s employer brand perception in IT.
Platforms for Training ;
In addition to our digital trainings organized within the scope of Analytics Academy, we offer many training opportunities on different training platforms to our employees working at all levels.
- Linkedin Learning with its library that contains more than 15 thousand training programs
- Online Development Catalog that is designed based on the “Be a Star Competency Model”
- Coursera, which has partnerships with the world’s leading universities and educational institutions
- Harvard Business School Online to help further develop the competencies of our executives
- English Ninjas to support our employees’ development in foreign languages
In other words, we, as Yıldız Holding, sincerely believe in continuous development and lifelong learning, and create new development opportunities for Yıldız Holding employees of all ages working at all levels!
In order to facilitate the adaptation to the new working models that we have become familiar with the ‘Next Generation Working Models’ Project, we set out the plans associated with the trainings of all white-collar employees in collaboration with Makers.
Turkishwin Corporate Membership Program:
In this one-year program, 15 volunteer and eligible participants selected according to certain criteria within the framework of a personal development program, will have training on mentoring/menteeship processes having a prestigious training content that contains interactive activities.
Mentoring-Menteeship Program for Mothers
In this 6-month program, there will be 50 working mothers as voluntary participants and it will cover mentorship/menteeship processes having a content that includes interactive training and activities which aim to support and empower working mothers as well as sharing their experiences.
Linkedin Learning
Linkedin Learning is a training platform that contains more than 16,000 content items and can be accessed via Linkedin. Its training catalog has a content that ranges from soft-skills to technical trainings. Successful participants who complete trainings receive online certificates.
Commercial Academy
This is an academy project that will cover all commercial departments in the organization. The goal of the project is to contribute to the development of the employees working in Sales, Marketing, e-Commerce and Purchasing departments with various trainings and mentoring practices.
This training platform’s teaching staff consists of well-known instructors and experts. The participants get unlimited access to over 150 instructors and classes which cover a wide range of subjects such as Arts and Entertainment, Business, Design and Style, Sports and Gaming, Writing and many more. Duration of each training is 10 minutes on average.
Online Development Catalog
These are the training programs organized by the leading speakers in their fields which help the employees access the emerging trends online. They are organized under various versions including keynote, webinar, crash course, workshop and online classes.
Harvard Business School Online
This is an online training program organized with Harvard University’s academicians. Only directors and upper senior level executives are eligible for this program. Eligible candidates from all over the world get the opportunity to have lectures from the professors of Harvard University and have their certificates once they complete the program. Case studies are covered in classes in addition to discussions and practices.
Data Navigators
This is a training and development program that aims to bring in digital competence as well as technical and process values associated with data science for talents in the organization within the scope of digital transformation. The participants of the training program are expected to develop data-driven projects that will generate high value added and positive financial outcomes. Instructors of trainings are experts from Koç University.
Digital Collar
These are trainings that aim to raise the awareness of participants with regards to next generation technologies, digital tools and 21st century competencies and to help upskill themselves with these competencies using several practices. The purposes of the trainings are given as: To make the employees future-ready. To inform the participants about new concepts and new jobs in the working life. To help the employees master their skills with regards to data-driven and digital ways of doing business.
- Inspire & Measure Competency- Ongun Tan: Keynote
- Boost Digital Perception- IoT, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics-Data Visualization, Digital Customer Experience
- Let Them Experience- Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile
English Ninjas
This is an online English learning platform that aims to improve the participant’s English speaking skills through speaking sessions held with instructors who are native English speakers. Following the completion of 30 hours of speaking sessions, the participant is deemed to be qualified to move on to the next level once he/she passes an exam.
Either employees from our internal pool for coaching or expert coaches from outside the organization can counsel employees.
Mentoring- A New Leader
This is a development program organized in collaboration with Boğaziçi University to support development of leadership skills of our employees and will add up to 115 hours of training.
- Opening with inspiring speeches from keynote speakers
- Leadership development by instructors from Boğaziçi University (72 hours)
- Academic Training & Workshops
- A mentoring program held with senior level executives (4 sessions)
- A coaching program held with professional coaches (6 sessions)
- Exclusive events- Business World, Arts and Culture
- Sports Events and Digital Meetings