Social Investments
While focusing on the protection of the world, the development of society and humanity, and contributing to the construction of the future, we are based on strengthening together with our stakeholders. We also contribute to the welfare of our stakeholders with the social programs we have implemented in this direction.
Collaborations with Non-Governmental Organizations
We implement projects for children on education, environment, art and healthy life and carry out various collaborations with non-governmental organizations. We support NGOs such as The Red Crescent, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), The Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV), The Darülaceze Directorate of the Republic of Turkey, The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey and UNICEF. We regularly organize blood and stem cell donation campaigns for the Red Crescent. We work in collaboration with various institutions including Turkish Marine Environment Protection Association (TURMEPA), the Foundation for Children with Leukemia (LÖSEV), Turkey’s Lighthouse Association, the Turkish Foundation for Combating Erosion, Reforestation and Protection of Natural Habitats (TEMA), the Society for the Propagation of Knowledge, the Darüşşafaka Society on numerous projects.
Traditional “Make Happy Be Happy Day”
We especially value contributing to the development and happiness of children as well as all caring for the happiness of our stakeholders. In this context, we, as all employees of Yıldız Holding from all over the world, get together every year and celebrate ‘Make Happy Be Happy Day” on the third Thursday of November. Within the framework of our “Make Happy Be Happy” philosophy, we focus on social responsibility activities that will benefit nature, people and children throughout the year.
As part of 2021’s “Make Happy Be Happy Day”, we implemented the project “Happy Steps”. Within the scope of this project, Yıldız Holding employees turned their steps into happiness for the children of the world via Help Steps application. Yıldız Holding employees who participated in the project from all over the world including Turkey, United States, China and Nigeria, took 52 million steps and covered a huge amount of distance which was enough to complete a full tour around the world. These steps of the employees were transferred to UNICEF as a donation via the subject application. The proceeds from the bazaar, which was a one-time event organized on “Make Happy be Happy Day” were donated to Darüşşafaka Society to be used for the education of girls.
Lady GODIVA Initiative
The firm stance of Lady Godiva, after whom GODIVA is named, in her era inspired the Lady Godiva Initiative. Based on the notion that everyone deserves to be valued and equal opportunities for being who they are, GODIVA rewards non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations that work on equal opportunities every year.
Organizations working on women’s empowerment all over the world are evaluated and after the initial vetting process conducted by the Social Impact team of GODIVA to select the finalists, the award winners are determined by GODIVA employees. The winners receive a monetary grant to assist in their inspirational work.
Yıldız Holding’s principles on equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion shine a light on GODIVA’s Lady Godiva Initiative. Based on the notion that the world should be a better place that is worth to live in for all living creatures, this initiative also helps us find out the answer to the question “What kind of a world are we leaving behind for our children?”
Woman Stars of Agriculture
While investing, we are primarily focused on “people” and we put great emphasis on carrying our employees and stakeholders in our ecosystem into the future. Driven by this notion, we took a significant step and established ‘Yıldız Holding Women’s Platform’. With the subject Platform, we aim to further empower our female employees and encourage women’s leadership under the roof of Yıldız Holding. Within this context, we are involved in numerous local and international initiatives and we establish effective collaborations.
We were recently involved in another promising project through Women’s Platform and sealed the deal to support women farmers through contract farming. With the “Women Stars of Agriculture” project, led by Yıldız Holding Women’s Platform and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, procurement of 5 thousand tons of fresh fruits and vegetables from contracted women farmers until 2025 has been guaranteed on behalf of Superfresh, one of the brands under Kerevitaş. With this project, we aim to create a total value of TRY 35 million.
Yıldız Holding Volunteers Club
Our Volunteers Club, operating under Yıldız Holding social clubs, holds volunteering activities for children. The members of the Yıldız Holding Volunteers Club organize such events as seminars and donation campaigns to raise awareness about Down Syndrome, make donations for financially disadvantaged children on Eid-al Fitr and Eid-al Adha, and donate stationery products to children affected by the wildfires in Türkiye. In addition, the Yıldız Holding Running Team members participate in İstanbul Marathon to support the “Make a Wish” Association’s campaign for children fighting against risky diseases and help make their dreams come true.